Wednesday 12 September 2012

Day 2 (4/9/2012) - Communicable Diseases

Communicable Disease

Today is our second day in Kubang Pasu, and we will be learning about Communicable Disease Control. After briefing, I found out that the way of notifying a certain disease is similar to what had been taught to us yesterday regarding dengue(e-notification). However, there is another thing known as e-wabak(outbreak) in which the notifying part has been make more effective when an outbreak of certain diseases have been confirmed. We also learned that there are currently a few diseases which required to be notified within 24 hours, such as dengue, jaundice, food poisoning and so on. Failure to do so, the physician will be charged a compound maximum up to RM500. We are also been taught regarding outbreak investigation with food poisoning as an example, which appears to be more understandable compared to reference books.

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